reap—rehoboth equatorial agtech partners



reap realises lasting returns for all stakeholders in our agricultural engagements. We promote food security through improved resilience in the agriculture sector using environmentally friendly agtech innovations, regenerative farming strategies, and value-added processing.

reap—rehoboth equatorial agtech partners

A hope and a future


Agriculture and clean water are for human life.

When we grow our food in harmony with nature, we also support Earth’s water supplies. Producing more food with less impact, is the only way to sustain us and future generations.

Will you join us?

   reap is trusted by our now over  40 clients, many of whom repeatedly engage us

$ 130million

investments managed

364,240 ha

land area managed

(cumulative value to-date)

reap—rehoboth equatorial agtech partners

Principal Capabilities


Agri-sector Investment Strategy

Turnaround Management Specialists

Thorough Due Diligence

Community Impact & Training

Explore Our Work Portfolio

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